Подарочный альбом "Борисоглебская картинная галерея"
Данный альбом - сувенир зарубежным гостям города Борисоглебска.
The author offers to your attention the sight about Borisoglebsk Art Gallery.
The unsophisticated and simple nature of Middle Russia turns out to be so beautiful and picturesque that it has given the world several outstanding painters. Andrew Ryabushkin, Ilya Mashkov, Alexander Kouprin were born in our native town.
Several artists, though born in some other places, considered Borisoglebsk the keystone in their work.
That’s why, when a great Russian artist Peter Sholokhov suggested opening an art gallery in Borisoglebsk, the seeds fell on the fertile ground. Sholokhov himself, Vasily Yurchik and several Borisoglebsk artists contributed to the gallery with their works, both copies and originals.
In 2001, after Sholokhov’s death, the gallery was opened and got his name as recognition of his service to its opening. Vasily Yurchik became one of the first Honoured Citizens of Borisoglebsk.
Now the Gallery is one of the most outstanding cultural places in Borisoglebsk.
The aim of this book is to acquaint Borisoglebsk visitors with the collection of the Gallery. Of course, we could not include all the artists exhibited into our book: there are too many of them, dead and living. Besides, the exposition is changing steadily, saying nothing about the personal exhibitions of local painters. That’s why we’ve chossen several of them.
The principle of selection was as follows: to show the artists and pictures that demonstrate the deepest connection with Borisoglebsk.
The author hopes you;ll like the book and learn something interesting from it.
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